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Gear Up and Save: How Employee Purchase Programs Can Revolutionize Your PPE Budget

No matter the number of people on your team, ordering their required protective equipment (PPE) in their individual sizes can be a headache. When you add in the time it takes to distribute the gear, the headache can mushroom into a migraine. Wouldn't it be great if you could make that process a little easier with the added bonus of deftly managing your budget?

Consider an employee purchase program!

How it works: Instead of directly providing all PPE, companies offer employees a voucher to purchase approved equipment, like clothing, boots, and welding helmets, from certain, designated vendors.

The Savings:

  • Reduce overhead associated with the procurement costs and administrative burdens of managing large PPE inventories.
  • Empower workers to make selections based on personal preference, resulting in better-fitting gear with fewer returns.
  • Transaction limits prevent workers from exceeding their allotted amount, ending budget overruns.
  • Since PPE is pre-approved by you, you’ll know that the gear they receive will protect them, lowering injury risks and increasing safety.
  • Free up PPE storage space for more productive uses, like installing new equipment.

But remember, success hinges on careful implementation:

  • Clear guidelines: Define eligible equipment, vendor, and budget limitations.
  • Training and education: Ensure employees understand program parameters, how to use the program, and when to make their purchases.
  • Regular monitoring: Track program effectiveness, gather employee feedback, and adjust as needed.
  • Partner with PPE suppliers that offer program management support to simplify rollout and ensure success.

Employee purchase programs can be a powerful tool to enhance safety, empower your workforce, and significantly reduce your PPE budget. 

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