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Use Online Learning to Raise Awareness of the Dangers of Impairment
Safety training is integral to a company's success, productivity rate, and morale. Mental illness, fatigue, and substance use are obvious obstacles to ensuring a risk-free work environment, yet they aren’t always included in training programs. Adding these topics often results in employees feeling more secure in their work environment with the ability to recognize tell-tale signs and more apt to open up to their employer about issues they or a coworker might be facing.

Employers who are looking to engage their workers during training sessions about impairment may want to consider going digital because it provides a more private and comfortable learning environment. E-learning programs are used everywhere in the U.S. by a wide variety of groups, including college-degree seekers, corporate leaders, and English-as-a-second-language learners. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many schools and workplaces alike switched from in-person to online working and learning. Even as the pandemic settled down, some companies stayed completely remote or hybrid because they found it more efficient. These conditions are especially conducive to online learning.
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